Ever wonder if IVMS/ Telematics really work?

Have you ever wondered if IVMS/ Telematics actually help improve the efficacy and safety of fleets? A case study done with Renaissance and the installation of FMS-Tech solutions proves the effectiveness of these new-age devices.
In 2017 the Oman company Renaissance implemented two new IVMS/ telematics technologies from FMS-Tech; the FMS-Tech Voice Kit, and the DMS-Robot. Managed by Global FMS, the FMS-Tech partner office in Oman, Renaissance easily implemented and trained their staff on the new technology with the goal of increased driver morale, safety, and vehicle efficiency
Global FMS and Renaissance kept a close record of the driver activates and moral to calculate if any change was made after the implementation.
Over the first six months after installation, Renaissance saw an improvement in the number of times a driver did not use a seatbelt, a improvement in how often the driver braked harshly, and a improvement in how often a driver accelerated harshly. These improvements translated to safer roads and more efficient vehicles to save money on lessened downtime and fewer vehicle maintenance needs.
The moral of the drivers also improved after the implementation of the driver reward system. This system, focusing on the FMS-Tech’s DMS-Robot rewards drivers when their driving behavior improves, and when they maintain good driving habits.
Renaissance was happy to find the answer to their question: Does IVMS / telematics help improve safety and driver efficiency, to be a positive YES! The company continues to see improvements today, and looks forward to continuing to update their technology in line with the new innovations of FMS-Tech in the future.
To learn more about implementing IVMS/ Telematics to increase safety and efficacy contact:
+1 (800) 214 3565
+1 (972) 665-9915